<![CDATA[Winnie Wu-Realtor                  - My Blog]]>Wed, 30 Mar 2016 16:04:09 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[怎么让买家在multiple offer 里出奇制胜]]>Mon, 13 Apr 2015 02:19:18 GMThttps://www.winniewu.ca/my-blog/multiple-offer通常每每有人计划买卖自己的物业,在一只脚踏入房地产市场时,总是免不了问清楚目前的市场状况:是买方市场?卖方市场? 还是非买非卖---平衡市场?以此判断要不要让自己的第二只脚也跟进这个市场;而且在交易过程中,双方你来我往,耐心地讨价还价,寻找你情我愿的公平价格。可是近来情况开始变得不同寻常,这样的理智在某些交易中变得荡然无存。在相当数量的房屋交易中,我们看到越来越多的multiple offer 出现(在很短的时间窗口里,出现多个买家对同的一个房屋下单),交易市场变成了肉搏的拳击现场,如果你出拳不狠不快,那么出局的肯定是你。每每看到心爱的房子被别人抢走,灰心沮丧总是免不了。这个博客的初衷就是想传你几招,以期帮助你增加搏击的胜算。

时间是成败的关键。很多的multiple offer 往往出现在挂牌的第一天, 如果你在同一天根本就没有得到这个房子出现在市场上的消息,那么你已经输在了起跑线上。避免这样的情况出现,一个有效的办法就是让你的房产经纪调整你在MLS上查找房屋的时间设置,最敏感的设置是一有满足你要求的房屋挂牌,系统就会马上给你发出提示邮件;如果你不喜欢每天可能多次的频繁打扰,你可以不用改变系统的时间设置,只需要将第一次收到的查房邮件的房屋列表网页保存到书签 (book mark) 里,只需每天有时间时打开这个链接,你就会及时得到最新挂牌的房屋信息。

multiple offer的状况下,卖家的叫价基本上不再对买家的出价有实质性的指导意义,最后的卖价往往超出叫价,超出多少完全看拼价时各方买家的具体出价。在信息完全封闭的情况下,想揣测别人的报价而取胜是不现实的。虽然分析不了别人,你总可以分析你自己,准确判断你对这个房屋的喜爱程度: 是非君莫属呢,还是此君尚可替代,并且毫不保留地告诉经纪你的真实心态,以便经纪能够制定出准确的下单策略。如果这个房屋是你的最爱,你无论如何都想抢到,你可以下个没有具体价格的referential offer,陈述你愿意出比现有最高报价多出$1000-$5000,或更多的价格,当然最好同时也给出个封顶价,避免最后出现不可承受的结果。


The purchase price is $1,000 above the price offered in the nearest competing bona fide offer acceptable to the seller to a maximum price of $350,000. The seller agrees to provide a copy of such nearest competing offer on acceptance of this offer.

不过小心,在加拿大,写这样的referential offer 并不是100%保险,有被判为无效合同的可能;而且并不是所有的卖家都喜欢这样投机的报价,因为他们可能觉得你这样做对其他实实在在报价的买方很不公平。


最后想重复的是(我认为怎么重复都不为过): 当你决定要雇用地产经纪时,你实际上已经决定了让他/她在买卖房屋的过程中全权代表你。百分之百地相信你的经纪,毫无保留地表白你的想法,随时随地地交流新的信息是双方成功的保障。记住,你们是一个团队,你们有一个共同的目标。这样高度的认识在multiple offer的战场上表现得极为重要

<![CDATA[地产经纪的责任和义务]]>Mon, 09 Mar 2015 06:22:14 GMThttps://www.winniewu.ca/my-blog/2Picture
在加拿大,地产经纪人和汽车销售员非常不同,前者需要具备更高的专业技能水准和职业道德规范。在给客户提供房屋买卖服务的过程中,他们必须严格遵守”Real Estate Services Act” 所制定的所有规章制度,如果违反,有可能被吊销经营执照。而且在通常的情况下,每个经纪被要求在每隔两年的期限内必须修满18分的进修课程,其经营执照才可更新。这个强制性的不断充电学习的过程有效地保证了其知识结构的持续更新和服务质量的持续提高。

地产经纪人和汽车销售员还有一点不同的地方是:前者努力和客户建立的是一生一世的长久代理关系,这使得他们并不会在意某一单生意的成功或失败,而非常在意自己的服务质量是使客户完全满意,没有瑕疵,从而保证双方的长期合作关系,而且口口相传,不断为其推荐更多的客户。因为每个优秀的地产经纪都相信一个恒古不变的真理 : 一个满意的客户意味着带给你10个,100个同样满意的客户。

地产经纪的职业道德必须向律师和医生看齐,一旦和客户建立了雇用关系,他们立刻承担起顶级的受托责任 叫做“ Fiduciary Duty“,意味着:

1. 对客户忠诚不二,不能因为自己的个人利益而背叛客户,牺牲客户的利益;

2. 绝不泄露客户的个人隐私,相反和交易相关的所有信息必须立刻通告客户,没有一丝的保留;

 3. 绝不在客户背后获取秘密的利益,如果客户是买方,在交易中得到的任何的收入必须通告给客户。

4. 勇于承担责任和坚守信用,确保客户在整个交易过程中信息通畅明了,帮助客户时刻了解他们所处的境况,以做出相应的明智决定。



1. 指定代理关系 (Designated Agency), 经纪是唯一受雇的,对客户有不可推脱的” Fiduciary Duty”;

2. 有限的双重代理关系 (Limited Dual Agency), 当地产经纪同时代理同一个房产的买方和卖方,或代理两个对同一个房产同时感兴趣的不同的买方,那么他们会面对这种关系,需要注意的是这种关系必须要得到双方的同意才能建立,而且经纪对双方有同等的”Fiduciary Duty”, 唯一受限是经纪不能泄露一方的心理承受价,买卖原因和个人资料给另一方。

3. 客户关系,也可以称没有代理关系。

如果想了解更多关于BC省的“Real Estate Services Act” 内容, 请进入网站http://www.bclaws.ca/Recon/document/ID/freeside/00_04042_01

<![CDATA[在加拿大买房的操作流程---------买方必读]]>Mon, 16 Feb 2015 00:10:02 GMThttps://www.winniewu.ca/my-blog/1 一直想在博客上写一篇这样的中文文章, 可无奈时间有限,且严格遵守自定的一周一篇原则,在等了5周好不容易完成了5“Disclosure of Material Latent Defect” 系列博客后,很高兴今天终于有时间坐在电脑前完成这份早该完成的作业。





雇房产经纪并不需要你付钱在先,房产经纪是收佣金的,只有在每单成交完成后才收取由卖方支付的佣金。虽然买方原则上不付任何费用给买方经纪, 但一旦要求经纪人提供查房看房的服务,你可能已经暗示你们进入一种房屋买卖委托代理关系,而且所有的经纪都会有这样的期待。现如今越来越多的房产经纪会在提供服务之前要求你签署 “Exclusive Buyer’s Agency Contract” 以保证双方的利益。


查找房子前应该首先确认你想买的房子类别,是公寓(condo),联排房(townhouse),还是独立屋(single family house)。它们各有各的优势,唯一需要注意的是公寓和联排房有每月几百块钱不等的管理费要付,而且这个数目是可以随时间的变化而变化的,当然多数情况是只涨不降的。

知道了你想买的房子后,联系你的房产经纪,告之要查找房子的参数:价格范围,地理位置,建筑面积,土地大小,建造年份,卧室数目,卫生间数目,厨房数目,房屋结构 (单层多层),有没有海景等等,总之越详细越有价值,越说明你知道你想要的是什么。当然这些参数也可能随着你的喜好改变而不断更新。




这是最紧张的时刻,你终于找到你中意的房子,决定下单。你的经纪会提供你相关的市场信息,协助你确定要报的价格,然后帮你起草合同 “Contract of Purchase and Sale”,即刻呈交给卖方经纪。你可能等到从卖方来的三种不同的反馈: 没有任何消息 (多数是你的报价太低,懒得理;) 卖家同意你的所有条款和价格;卖家在合同上修改条款或者价格,传回给你的经纪,这个过程可以反反复复,直到买卖双方找到彼此同意的条款和价格。当卖家同意你的所有条款和价格,在合同上签字后,我们说你拿到了已经接受的合同 (an accepted offer.)


拿到 accepted offer 只是完成了万里长征的第一步。到此是时候为你自己雇一个房产律师,当然你也可以在更早的时候雇用, 在整个购房过程的所有和法律相关的问题,你都应该咨询律师。



如果第5点没有任何问题的话,你可以签字表明你对所有的条款都满意,决定买下这个房子。按照合同,你应该支付一定数量的定金 (几千到几万不等) 给代表你的经纪公司。这笔定金会算进购房款里去。



<![CDATA[Disclosure of Material Latent Defects                                                                                 ---- Part 5, Heritage Sites]]>Mon, 09 Feb 2015 02:48:26 GMThttps://www.winniewu.ca/my-blog/-disclosure-of-material-latent-defects-part-5-heritage-sites Heritage sites are historic places that have cultural value and carry out our region’s unique identity and character. Particularly, archaeological sites are where ancient bones and artifacts are found. Most of these sites are related to First Nation history, and therefore protected by BC’s Heritage Conservation Act and municipal bylaws.

The homeowner and potential buyer should really be aware of all the restrictions coming along with every alteration of the property that has been designed as a heritage site. Again, it’s the matter of fact that the homeowner must, to his best knowledge, make a full disclosure to the buyer. Furthermore, individuals who damage a heritage site could face possible fines of up to $50,000 or two years in jail.

According to the Heritage Conservation Act, before a property is designated as a heritage site by the Minister, the homeowner will be served a notice and has 30 days to object to the proposed designation. Once becoming a heritage site, there would be a notice filed in the personal property registry. In the case of the market value of the designed property going down as a result of the heritage designation, the owner may be entitled to compensation. Although Normal maintenance and repairs can be done at the homeowner’s discretion, the appearance of heritage property may not be altered without the consent of Municipalities.  

Unlike heritage designation, an archaeological site has no accessible records whatsoever to help the public track down the status of properties. Only if you are suspicious, you can conduct an inquiry to the local municipality then the next, Archaeology Branch Office. The application may take up to two weeks for the result, though. What if a property locates on a designed Archaeological site, the homeowner won’t feel bothered until one day when he decides to subdivide the property. An archaeological assessment may be recommended by the Branch and paid by the homeowner. This cost can be very high – up to tens of thousands – and with no compensation.  

As a buyer, when purchasing a property that’s going to be subdivided and there are Archaeological concerns occurring, simply asking the agent to add the following clause on the “Contract of Purchase and Sale” would be necessary:

                Subject to the Buyers satisfying themselves on or before (date) regarding the potential effect of the Heritage Conservation Act on the use and / or development of the property. (This condition is for the sole benefit of the Buyer)

<![CDATA[ Disclosure of Material Latent Defects                                        ---- Part 4, Plumbing Problems ]]>Sun, 01 Feb 2015 05:45:43 GMThttps://www.winniewu.ca/my-blog/-disclosure-of-material-latent-defects-part-4-plumbing-problemsPicture
Plumbing systems provide cold and hot water supply, hot water heating, wastewater, storm and sewer drainage. The National Plumbing Code of Canada (NPC) sets out technical provisions for design and installation of new plumbing systems, as well the alteration of existing plumbing systems. Permits are definitely needed for both situations and do so the qualified workers whenever installation and repair needed.

Pipes materials vary from time to time, and area to area. Copper pipes are the most commonly used in the water supply in the past over 45 years, but when acidic water runs through the soldered joints, the copper pipes can wear out and cause leakage; Galvanized steel pipes were once very popular prior to 1955, but most of them have ran out their 30-year to 50-year lifespan, and need to be replaced; plastic pipes can be found in a lot of newer homes, in which the Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) is the most widely used plastic material for many advantages with the longer lifespan, lower cost, and stronger corrosion-resistance.

The distribution pipes for the systems are normally located inside walls, under the ground or behind panels, so leaks - mainly caused by corroded pipes or worn out joints - may not be reasonably observed. The plumbing issues therefore are defined as material latent defects, which means that the seller must report when deciding to sell the property.

For both home owners and buyers, there is a need of extra prudence to Kitec aluminum pipes, manufactured by IPEX and sold between 1995 and 2007. They were perfect alternatives to copper pipes because of their low-priced and flexible nature. But unfortunately, their brass fittings made from zinc can react with the chemical composition of pipes, cause corrosion, and eventually flooding. Replacing these pipes can be very costly as you have to open up walls. In 1995, IPEX recalled all their brass fittings nationwide both in Canada and United State, a $125 million settlement fund was rewarded.

Kitec was sold under various brand names, including Kitec, PlumbBetter, IPEX, AQUA, WARMRITE, Kitec XPA, AmbioComfort, XPA, KERR Controls and Plomberie Amelioree. If you are a homeowner with Kitec pipes, register with the class action suit before 2020 in case you have a failure and need to repair. For more information, go to www.kitecsettlement.com

<![CDATA[  Disclosure of Material Latent Defects                                                     ---- Part 3, Underground Oil Tanks]]>Sat, 24 Jan 2015 02:06:43 GMThttps://www.winniewu.ca/my-blog/-disclosure-of-material-latent-defects-part-3-underground-oil-tanks On the Property Disclosure Statement, one of many questions the seller must answer is the question “Are you aware of any past or present underground oil storage tank(s) on the Promises”. The buyer must answer the same question in front of an insurer when applying for home insurance. In some cases, an existence of underground oil tank may lead to a refusal of coverage and as a result, a refusal of mortgage.

Having been installed and used for the purpose of house heating for over 60 years, after other heating sources such as gas and electricity have become available, many underground oil tanks are now abandoned and left buried in place. In order to satisfy a buyer, a lender, or an insurance broker, it’s always a good idea for the homeowner to remove it when there is an unused oil tank buried under the property. The BC Fire Code provides all rules needed to be followed when removing.

One more good reason for removing the existing underground oil tank once it’s discovered is to minimize the risk of leaks and spills. All tanks have their limited life spin; the longer they stay underground, the higher the chance they start to corrode, rust, and eventually leak. Therefore, a big concern has grown among the public and authorities because of potential contamination of soil and underground water mainly caused by leaking oil tanks.

Under the provincial Environmental Management Act, the current owner, or the previous owner may be responsible for cleaning up a contaminated site. Believe it or not, if you buy a home with an underground oil tank, you become potentially liable for any future cleanup costs. Some costs can be extremely high if the soil is contaminated, which can reach up to hundreds of thousands.

Although not a requirement, but again for the peace of mind, a homeowner may obtain a letter of “Certificate of Compliance” from the Ministry, which states that the site has been remediated and no longer is considered contaminated.

A good article regarding this subject can be find online at

<![CDATA[ Disclosure of Material Latent Defects                                                 ---- Part 2, Grow-Op ]]>Sun, 18 Jan 2015 22:11:01 GMThttps://www.winniewu.ca/my-blog/-disclosure-of-material-latent-defects-part-2-grow-opPicture
Under the BC Contaminated Sites Regulation for Environmental Management Act, manufacturing controlled drugs such as marijuana fall into the category of “Schedule 2 Activities", which most likely cause contamination and need many screening measures.  If the operation of grow ops takes place in a residential property, the owner must disclose this fact in term of material latent defect while putting the property on the market.  

Many issues can arise when living in former grow ops house. For example, unexpected property crimes to innocent families, structural damage to the house, and Environmental damage to the soil or water system. In the worst case scenario, the high levels of humidity and altered electrical wiring can possibly lead to the homeowner’s health and life threats.

In additional, purchasing a former grow op house may take a risk of not getting a mortgage from lenders. Over the past few years the majority of lenders in BC no longer finance grow-op houses unless they have been fully remediated. Two documents that lenders will require when financing this type of properties: a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment and an occupancy permit.

If the homeowner wants to make sure there wouldn’t be any environmental concerns in the future, having the phase 1 ESA report is not enough, a letter of “Determination” or a “Certificate of Compliance” issued by the Ministry is also needed -- the former states that the site is not contaminated; the latter states that the site has been cleaned up and no longer is considered contaminated.

Whenever encountering a former grow-op property, you should always consult with your lawyer and other professionals.

<![CDATA[ Disclosure of Material Latent Defects                                                 ---- Part 1]]>Sun, 11 Jan 2015 06:31:28 GMThttps://www.winniewu.ca/my-blog/-disclosure-of-material-latent-defects-part-1 In some cases of real estate, not disclosing information can result in legal liability of the seller. According to common law, the seller must release all known material latent defects in the property prior to accepting an offer. Therefore, the form “Property Disclosure Statement” filled out by the seller is essential and should always be a part of the “Contract of Purchase and Sale”.

The Real Estate Council of British Columbia defines a material latent defect as a … defect that cannot be discerned through a reasonable inspection of the property, including any of the following:

  (a) A defect that renders the real estate

            (i) Dangerous or potentially dangerous to the occupants,

           (ii) Unfit for habitation, or

           (iii) Unfit for the purpose for which a party is acquiring it, if

                    (A) The party has made this purpose known to the licensee, or

                    (B) The licensee has otherwise become aware of this purpose;

  (b) A defect that would involve great expense to remedy;

  (c) A circumstance that affects the real estate in respect of which a local government or other local authority has given a notice to the client or the licensee, indicating that the circumstance must or should be remedied;

  (d) A lack of appropriate municipal building and other permits respecting the real estate. “

Examples of material latent defects could be structural issues, grow-ops, plumbing problem, underground oil tanks, asbestos insulation, lack of permits for the real estate, or something has to be remedied (the seller has received notice from municipality), etc.  

Unpleasant history of a property is out of the above list. Even though many buyers will avoid purchasing a stigmatized property where there has been murders, suicides, alleged hauntings, and gang violence. Unlike material latent defects, there is no legislation that defines and deals with this kind of issue, in BC. The Seller isn’t required to disclose any unpleasant history of the property, unless the buyer inquiries.

More discussions on material latent defects will come up soon.

<![CDATA[在Victoria 租房应注意的事项]]>Sun, 04 Jan 2015 03:18:04 GMThttps://www.winniewu.ca/my-blog/-victoria 随着到Victoria 上学的中国小朋友和陪读的妈妈越来越多,一些有租房需求的妈妈可能或多或少地面对怎样在一个陌生的城市租房的问题。我想在这里对以下几个常见的问题给出我的个人解决方案,希望能够帮助到有需要的你们。

怎么迈出第一步?能够在到达加拿大之前就找到满意的出租房并不是像想象的那么容易,特别是当你对目标城市知之甚少,而你人又在中国。先找个中国人经营的家庭旅馆是个非常不错的选择。其好处是它提供的同语言同文化环境和灵活多样的经营方式给你一个不可多得的过渡时机,为你争取到宝贵的时间以便更多地了解周边的人文和地理环境。网站www.victoriabbs.com 为你提供很多家庭旅馆的相关信息。

下一步是什么?当你感到你在心理上已经准备好了搬出家庭旅馆,有足够信心独立生活,你知道是时候为自己和小朋友寻找比较长期的出租房了。最快捷有效的方法是到网站www.google.com 或者www.google.ca 上查找, 只需输入简单的关键字” 2 bedroom condo (house) for rent in Victoria BC” 即可。其中三个最常出现有查找结果的网站是:www.usedvictoria.ca, www.kijiji.ca victoria.craigslist.ca 只需点击进入即可。 当然,如果你仍然想找能说中文的房东的话,网站www.victoriabbs.com 可以帮到你。

最后需要注意的是什么?当你找到满意的房子,打算与房东签定合约时,最好问清楚所有困扰你的问题,例如有没有年龄限制,可不可以养宠物,可不可以BBQ等等。我认为合同有效期限是你首先要问明白的问题: 房租期限是基于”month-to-month” 还是基于 “fixed term”?如果是 “fixed term”的话, 问清楚你是否可以中途中断合约?如果可以, 违约金是多少?

即使我们凡事总想做到万无一失,但有时往往事于愿违。如果不幸和房东发生了利益纠纷,首先双方应尽量和平解决,如果和平解决不了问题,最后你可以利用的资源是省政府属下的 ”Residential Tenancy Office”,你可以要求他们出面仲裁。他们在 Victoria downtown有办公室,可拨打的电话号码是1-800-665-8779.


<![CDATA[ Structure of real estate taxation in BC                                 ----  GST/HST in New Home Sales ]]>Sun, 28 Dec 2014 02:16:28 GMThttps://www.winniewu.ca/my-blog/-structure-of-real-estate-taxation-in-bc-gsthst-in-new-home-sales While purchasing a new home in BC, there are many GST/HST issues that come into being.  Confusion can arise as a result of the HST’s existence from July 1, 2010 to April 1, 2013.

On April 1, 2013 when the HST was discontinued, the BC government introduced the 2% Transition Tax for the purpose of offsetting the revenue losses through the PST’s return. This temporary transition tax applies to new homes that were at least 10% complete as of April 1, 2013, and will terminate on March 31, 2015.

A timeline will help illustrate how much tax one would have to pay when purchasing a new home:

 . If a home was built and also possessed before April 1, 2013, the buyer would have paid 12% HST.

 . If a home’s  construction began before April 1, 2013, but the buyer takes possession between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2015, the buyer would have to pay 5% GST and 2% Transition Tax.

. If a home‘s construction began after April 1, 2013, the buyer would have to pay 5% GST on new home construction and the builder would have to pay 7% PST on the building materials.

Instead of BC new housing rebates program, the temporary transition tax rebate program has come available to new home builders. The transition tax rebate can be calculated on the home’s degree of completion as of April 1, 2013. See the following table:

% Construction Completes          Transition Tax Rebate as a
         as of April 1, 2013                 % of fair market value

            Less than 10%                                          not applicable

            10% <= and <25%                                         1.5%

            25% <= and <50%                                         1.0%         

            50% <= and <75%                                          0.5%

            75% <= and <90%                                          0.2%

            90% or greater                                               0.0%

As always, when dealing with GST/HST questions in regards to new home sales, prospective buyers should consult with their accountant, legal adviser or the Canada Revenue Agency office. For more information go to
